Determining a Gold's unique DNA
Among other data, we collect the elemental composition of the extracted material using handheld rapid XRF devices. Such devices measure the percentual presence of elements in a sample using X-rays. They take around 30 seconds to complete. Yes, we go into the mines.
Checkpoint 1: Mine veins
The first checkpoint is the raw mine material to be mined. This can be plain ore veins and host rock outcrops
Checkpoint 2: Mid-processed grinded material
The second checkpoint is the material after physical processing: crushing and grinding. The material is somewhat homogenized and delivers important statistical data about the elemental composition of the mine geological units.
Checkpoint 3: Mid-processed solution
The third checkpoint is the material after chemical processing, in which the chemical composition is modified. This data allows transparency on chemical alteration of the material composition. In short: Has undocumented material been added or removed?
Checkpoint 4: Doré
Collecting data of the doré bars right off the furnace allows validation of delivered material at refinery. Refineries usually analyse the received doré using the same method. This allows direct verification of the doré sent and received.
Checkpoint 5: Refinery
We work in close collaboration with refineries to fit the analysed data chain directly into their laboratory measurements.